May 19-20, 2007
saturday, may 19
8,30 - 9,00 Opening remarks
9,00 - 10,00 Bernie Rimland and the Biomedical Approach to Autism
Steve Edelson: Director Autism Research Institute, San Diego
10,00 - 11,00 Autism : a scientific foundation
Richard Deth: Northeastern University, Dept of Pharmaceutical Science, Boston
11,00 - 11,30 coffee break
11,30 - 12,30 Early Warning Molecules
Diego Gazzolo, Director Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, G. Garibaldi Hospital, Catania
12,30 - 14,30 lunch
14,30 - 15,30 Biomedical Approach
Liz Mumper: Medical Director Autism Research Institute,Lynchburg,VA
15,30 - 16,30 Functional Laboratory
Patrick Hanaway: Chief Medical Officer, Genova Diagnostics, Ashville,NC.
16,30 - 17,00 coffee break
17,00 - 19,00 Autism and the gastrointestinal system
Tim Buie: Director Dept. of Gastroenterology, University, Boston
Federico Balzola:University Institute of Gastroenterology ,Torino.
Gian Luigi De Angelis:Chief of Pediatric Endoscopy ;ParmaUniversity
sunday, may 20
8,30 - 8,45 Neurodevelopment and Training Experiences
Manolo Dominguez,Director Istituti Fay,Querceta,Lucca
8,45- 9,00 Relationship Development Intervention
Patricia de la Garza,Brussels
9,00 -10,00 Autism treatment: now and tomorrow
Jim Neubrander, MD. Neubrander Medical Center, Edison,NJ.
10,00-10,30 Coffee Break
10,30 - 11,30 Our Polluted World !
Giorgio Cantelli Forti,President Italian Society of Toxicology,University of Bologna
11,30, - 12,15 Family Associations International Alliance
Dave K. Humphrey: ASA Board Member, Portland ,OR
12,15-13,00 Autism Epidemy: Italian Bill Project for Assistance and Research
Teresio Delfino ,Member of Italian Parliament,Roma
13,00 - 14.30 lunch
14,30-16,30 Q & A Pannel
16,30 - 17,00 coffee break
17,00 - 17,30. Human Development Entreprise Platform
Franco Verzella: President Dan! Europe, Bologna
17,30. - 18,00 Closing Remarks
Steve Edelson: Director Autism Research Institute, San Diego